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Check most frequently asked questions and helpful tips about baby wearing and the Cococho baby carrier.
Baby Carrying Positions
With soft structured baby carriers, young babies who can't hold their heads firmly must be carried in the front because we need to constantly monitor them and make sure that their heads won't slump forward, restricting their airways in a chin to chest position.
However, bigger, and heavier babies can block their parent's front view and tilt their balance forward. One of the main reasons for ER visits in the US, with cases related to baby carrying, was parents who fell, usually tripped, with their baby in the carrier. The data is open to the public in NEISS (the US National Electronic Injury Surveillance System). Moreover, when babies are carried in the front, especially forward-facing, they are more exposed to getting injured or burned.
Therefore, as your baby grows, especially if you are in motion, both indoors and out, the back carrying position might be safer than front carrying for both you and your baby (and more practical and ergonomic 🤓).
In the last decades, the forward-facing position became very popular but also controversial. Cococho is one of several brands and carriers that don't offer this position, even though it would have been very easy to add this feature to our design.
Why so?
- Because it moves the baby's center of gravity away from the adult and therefore increases the load on the parent's back. This situation worsens once the baby is seated in a healthy hip position with legs extended forward as in the "more advanced" carriers.
- There's no head support for the baby.
- Sometimes, the carrier's attachment forces the baby's back to curve in the opposite direction to its natural one.
- The baby cannot see the adult. From a baby's perception, it's like the adult is not present.
- The baby's legs are dangling and might disturb the adult's movement instead of clinging naturally around the adult's body.
- The baby might get overstimulated by the surroundings with no ability to shut it down.
- The baby's front is more exposed to getting injured.
For all the above reasons, with carriers that do allow for the forward-facing position, it is recommended to start carrying in this position not before the age of 4-5 months, only for short carries, and only when the baby is not tired or needs to sleep.
We, at Cococho, have designed our carrier in a way it would allow curious babies to enjoy their surroundings and feel comfortable in the carrier even when they are facing the parent, in both the front and back position.
You can start using the Cococho carrier in front from birth once your infant weighs 7 pounds (3.2 kilos), and carry your baby on the back once they weigh 13.5 pounds
(6.1 kilos) and already gained firm head and neck control.
Our carrier allows for an early stage for back carrying as it is designed to sit high on the parent's back, supports the baby before being loaded, provides built-in head support while the baby is both awake or asleep, and includes separate adjustment for the baby's space inside the carrier which reduces the potential of the baby slumping down in the carrier.
With the Cococho carrier, the maximum weight to carry a baby in the front is 26.5 pounds (12 kilos) because carrying this weight in the front with any carrier puts an excessive strain on the adult's back. We recommend switching to back carrying even before the baby reaches this weight.
The maximum weight to back carry your baby with the Cococho
carrier is 40 pounds (18 kilos). That is usually the weight of toddlers between
3 and 4 years or older.
There are a few options for monitoring your baby when you back
- You can use the small mirror which is connected to one of the
Cococho carrier's shoulder pads. The mirror is attached with the colored press
button to one of the shoulder pad's strap's ends.
- You can always use mirrors and other reflections around you.
- You can use your mobile phone selfie mode.
- You can always listen and feel your baby. When
carried in all positions, your baby's face should always be visible, having
open airways.
Babywearing benefits
Yes, it is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics to carry reflux babies in a vertical/ up right position, and a baby carrier can make it easier for parents because this kind of babies need to be held a lot.
The Cococho baby carrier offers two unique advantages for carrying babies with reflux:
- The adjustable and roomy upper part of the carrier allows babies to raise their heads and burp comfortably.
- You can fasten the baby to the carrier before feeding. Once your baby is fed, move them to the recommended vertical position and easily wear the carrier with your baby. With breastfeeding, it's even easier because you also have the option to breastfeed in the carrier.
Plus, if your Cococho baby carrier gets dirty, it is washable (see in the category "carrier Care").
You can read more about breastfeeding and reflux babies at La Leche League .
Thanks to its unique wearing method, the Cococho baby carrier is an ideal choice for parents who use a wheelchair. First, secure your baby into the carrier on your laps (with a newborn) or on an elevated surface, then lift your baby with the carrier to your front and fasten the strap on your upper back.
A unique advantage of the Cococho carrier for wheelchair users is that, unlike most other carriers, the Cococho's waist belt is not a part of the structure that secures the baby in the carrier. Therefore, if you use a wheelchair, you may detach the waist belt and use the carrier without it. Your baby's healthy hip position can be obtained by the natural leg spread around your body (Babies' legs don't dangle down when a sitting person holds them).
Yes, you can breastfeed in the Cococho in two ways, but the second way is unique to Cococho and suitable for bottle feeding as well:
- You can breastfeed while carrying by releasing the straps to a lower carrying hold. For safety reasons, don't let your baby fall asleep in this position, and readjust the carrier to a high-level position once breastfeeding has finished. This method (and warning) is similar to all other carriers.
- A unique perk of the Cococho baby carrier is the option to
take it off and breastfeed or bottle-feed while your baby is still in the
carrier. This option can be practical in cases like:
- When you want to stop for a short feeding or check whether your baby is hungry or not.
- When you plan to continue carrying your baby after feeding.
- If you have a reflux baby and need to get your baby to a
horizontal position right after feeding.
Did you know that according to a new study babywearing promotes and increases the rates of breastfeeding?
Carrier Care
Yes, you can choose to wash the carrier by hand or in the washing machine. It's better to wash it in cold water or, if needed, in up to 86°F (30°C).
Before washing:
- Remove the mirror from the carrier and don't put it in the machine. If it's not clean, wipe it with a towel.
- It is recommended to separate the waist belt from the carrier's body.
- Wash a dark-colored carrier separately from lights.
- Line dry your Cococho baby carrier in the shade. Please do not
put it in the dryer.
If you've lost a part of the carrier, please get in touch with our customer support
via WhatsApp +972-37-96-30-80
or email:
If the tear was caused by reasonable use and your carrier is still covered by our two-year warranty, please send us your invoice and clear pictures of the tear, and we'll give you the best solution we can.
Our email is:
We do our best to help other cases that are not covered by the warranty as well.
Yes, there is. It has two years warranty which covers reasonable
use of the carrier.
Ergonomics and Fitting
"Hip dysplasia is a general term for hip instability, dislocation, or shallowness of
the hip socket. Hip instability and dislocation are more likely to occur during
infancy, while a shallow stable socket is more often discovered in adolescence
or adulthood".
"Approximately one in ten newborn infants has mild hip instability, and one in 100 may require treatment." Hip dysplasia has many causes like heredity and breech delivery. When a proper hip position is maintained while using a carrier with babies under six months, there may be a substantial benefit for natural hip development. However, "there is no evidence suggesting that failure to carry in the hip-healthy position causes hip dysplasia in otherwise healthy infant hips."
A recommended healthy hip position, which is also called the M position, is when the baby's legs are flexed with the knees bent at the level or higher than the buttocks. Carrying the baby with the legs spread around the adult's body is beneficial not only for a healthy hip position. It contributes to better weight distribution as well.
The Cococho baby carrier is acknowledged by the International Hip Dysplasia Institute (IHDI) as a healthy hip carrier. Read more about babywearing and hip dysplasia at the IHDI website.
The construction of the Cococho carrier features a dynamic waist belt that distributes the baby's weight around the parent's body and supports the baby's legs in the recommended M-position, allowing a healthy hip development as the baby grows.
The Cococho's waist belt is easy to attach and detach by zippers and is designed to fit your baby's size and development as follows:
- For a newborn up to 6-8 weeks old, use the wide waist belt
setting and keep your baby's legs tucked inside the carrier in the natural
frog-leg position, with a narrow and natural leg spread, the legs bent, and the
knees higher than the buttocks. With Cococho, unlike with other carriers, your baby's weight won't "fall" on their legs when they are inside the carrier. - From 6-8 weeks, or earlier, if your baby keeps trying to straighten their legs in the carrier, switch to the narrow waist belt setting and start carrying your baby with a leg spread and the legs coming out above the waist belt. Your baby should be able to bend their knees comfortably.
- For a big baby or a toddler that need wider thigh support and higher head support, switch back to the wider waist belt setting (and keep carrying your baby with a leg spread). With a toddler, the free top corners on both sides of the waist belt would fold out, helping to support your child's sitting position.
The leg spread around the adult's body significantly improves the baby's weight distribution; therefore, it is more ergonomic for the adult.
The Cococho is a one-size carrier with a wide size range that's easy to adjust.
The waist belt's range in the narrow zipper setting is 27-65 inches, and with the wider zipper setting, it's 32-7 inches. The shoulder straps are difficult to measure, but the range is larger than other structured carriers, thanks to their unique structure.
BTW, we've found that "big" people tend to release the shoulder pads more
than they need... A high carrying position with the waist belt buckled at the
waist and not at the hips is always recommended.
Yes, Cococho baby carrier is US ASTM F2236 16a and European EN13209-2: 2015
standard approved for soft structured carriers and is acknowledged as a healthy
hip carrier by the IHDI (International Hip Dysplasia Institute).
To keep your baby safe in the Cococho baby carrier:
- Always secure your baby in the carrier before wearing the carrier.
- Adjust the baby security strap to a tight but comfortable size. The baby security strap should be positioned on top of the V harness, at a height level between the baby's belly button and armpits, and with the baby's arms free and above the strap.
- Your baby's face should always be visible (in all carriers).
- With back carrying, monitor your baby by using a mirror (a small mirror is attached to one of the carrier's shoulder straps' ends), glass reflections, or the selfie mode of your mobile phone.
- To protect your baby from the risk of positional asphyxia, especially with infants who still can't hold their head firmly, make sure that their head is not flexed forward with their chin pressed against the chest. Instead, let the baby lean on your upper chest with the head turned to the side.
- After breastfeeding in the carrier, make sure to readjust the carrier to a high carrying level/position.
- Never hold the Cococho carrier only by one of its shoulder strap.
- Follow Cococho's weight limits (see here).
Read more about protecting infants and toddlers from positional asphyxia in car seats and slings here .
For the complete safety hazards list, follow Cococho Warnings .
Thanks to its unique wearing method, with the baby secured in
the carrier before wearing, the Cococho baby carrier is one of the safest
carriers to wear unassistedly on the back. However, for the first time, or
until you are confident enough, practice with the aid of another person.
Remember, you must secure your baby in the carrier before
wearing, and always hold the carrier by both shoulder pads, never by one.
For the complete safety hazards list, follow Cococho Warnings.
Babies tend to fall asleep in baby carriers when they feel comfortable and relaxed.
You may let your baby sleep in the carrier, but make sure that your baby's face is always visible and that her airways are clear, with the her chin off chest.
However, with the Cococho baby carrier, there's another unique way to keep your baby safe and asleep- You can off-load your baby and keep her fastened in the carrier. The carrier would keep your baby held, a bit like with wrapping, and would help keeping her asleep while she is lying on her back. When doing so, put your baby in a safe place (e.g., a crib) and always under attention.
In the modern world, back carrying is often perceived as a less safe position than front carrying. However, in many cases, when you'd better see the surface you are stepping on, it would be much safer to back carry back than front carry. These cases include hiking, using public transportation, using stairs, and even at home where you have carpets or toys spread across the floor.
Moreover, back carrying can be safer than front carrying when dealing with hot food or drinks.
With the Cococho carrier, you can start back carrying when your baby weights min. 13.5 lbs. (6 kg), and has firm head and neck control. That's the earliest time compared to other soft structured baby carriers, and allowed because:
- The Cococho carrier provides constant head support
- With the Cococho carrier there's much less potential for the baby to slump down in the carrier to a risky position.
- With the Cococho, the baby is secured before loading.
Therefore, unlike other soft structured carriers, you don't have to wait with back carrying until your baby can sit.
When you back carry, be always aware of your baby. You can monitor your baby through mirrors (a small mirror is provided with the Cococho carrier), glass reflections, or your mobile selfie mode, and always follow all
the other carrier instructions and warnings.
The registration card is designated for recall cases and would help us reach you if a safety issue is found in your carrier model. Registration is obligatory in the US and is part of the CPSC and ASTM standard rules for durable infant and toddler products. You can either fill out the postcard and send it free of charge in the US or use this link for digital registration.
The Cococho structure
As an Israeli brand, it was essential for us to design a carrier that would fit our hot and very long summer.
Carriers, in general, are hot to wear, and the part that heats the most is the contact area between the adult and the baby (in framed carriers, there's almost no contact, but the distance between the baby and adult increases the load on the parent's back).
The parameters that make the Cococho suitable for hot weather are:
- Cococho's inner fabric is breathable and made from a 3D cotton mesh which is unique in carriers and was chosen because of its characteristics. That mesh appears in all the carrier's parts that have contact with the baby or the adult.
- The carrier's fill is a perforated foam, helping with breathability and isolation.
- Cococho's design is minimalistic, and it does not cover large areas of the adult's body as wraps do.
- The spacious room for the baby's upper body helps with ventilation.
- Back carrying heats less than front carrying, and most people would prefer to sweat
in their back rather than in the front 😊. The Cococho carrier is easy to wear on the back, and you can start back carrying at the earliest stage compared to other soft structured carriers.
The Cococho carrier is excellent for hikes and has several advantages over even premium framed carriers:
- You can back carry your baby earlier than with all other carriers, soft or framed.
- The carrier provides better support for your baby, including head support and healthy hip position.
- It is lighter than framed carriers.
- It approximates the baby to the adult's body and eliminates the torque created when carrying the baby at a distance from the body - the lower the distance, the lower the load.
- It is cheaper than premium back carriers.
- It is more practical because you can also use it in your daily
life (both indoor and out).
The Cococho carrier is made with high-quality materials to provide a durable, functional, and comfortable babywearing experience.
The carrier's outer fabric is a technical softshell fabric, often used for sports and outdoors garments because of its durability, structural characteristics, and style.
The inner fabric is a breathable 3D cotton mesh that allows for healthy air ventilation and is a natural material with a soft touch that feels good when in contact with bare skin.
The inner fill is a perforated foam used for hiking gear. It was selected for its soft but structured properties to allow the Cococho's built-in head support and the carrier's weight distribution system.
The webbing is made of Nylon, which is also in use with premium hiking gear. The buckles and zippers are from well-known brands, like YKK and Duraflex, that uphold high production standards and use durable materials.
The Cococho has two pockets for small belongings like a pacifier, your keys, etc. You can find them at the "wings" that spread from the carrier's back support to the lower side of the shoulder pads.
The Cococho baby carrier includes a small plastic mirror attached to the end of one of the shoulder pads' straps, so once you start back carrying, you can check in on your baby while wearing them on the back.
However, you will find that there are many convenient ways to check in with your baby, like other mirrors, reflective materials (like glass doors or windows), or the selfie mode on your phone camera. Moreover, you can use different ways like hearing, feeling, and communicating with your baby.
The two off-white cloths are teething pads that provide an extra layer of protection for the carrier's sides when the baby is in the oral phase and likes to chew the carrier's sides. You can wash the teething pads more often than washing the carrier and keep the chewing area more hygienic for your baby. See washing instructions, in the category "Carrier Care".